Advice for Healthcare Providers – Debbie


Debbie prefers 'bottom line' guidance, even if it takes some time to accept.


And sometimes they need advice, they need guidance. Sometimes people like me need guidance. You know someone who could help educate us more. You know to make us not be afraid of something, but to know what it is about. Don’t be afraid to tell them the bottom line. Because I mean we accept it. Eventually we accept it, right. So, it’s just a matter of someone giving us a chance to understand what’s happening to us and to our bodies. What could happen, even what could happen. We should know it. It helps us prepare. But the healthcare providers is really important in helping the patient understand what’s happening to them, what could happen to them even though they don’t want to really think, they want to hear it, but they should. “These are the facts Debbie. This is what you could face. But this is also what you could face. And this is how you can improve it if you can you know.” All of – you know all that – those kinds of things.

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